Seeing yourself
A couple of weeks ago I went away with a friend to a swanky hotel. It was only for 1 night, it was squashed into busy schedules, meeting halfway up the country, it felt as though it might be too little.
We went with a purpose - to talk about work and life and plans with someone who wouldn't judge and who might have a different perspective.
It turned out to be transformational - a mini mindset change.
And that wasn't because of the plans we made or the contacts we pooled - though they were great - it was because I got to see myself through my friends eyes. And she sees me in quite a different way to how I see myself.
Where I see from the inside - with all my doubts and cringes amplified and distorted by the fairground mirrors in my head - she sees me from the outside.
From the outside with generosity.
And she believes that I can do things - no question. She is incredulous that there would be doubt. 'Of course you can, why on earth not?'.
'If not you . . . then who?'
It got me thinking - how often do we tell the people we love how we see them? How often do we say to people that they are a wonderful mother or a great friend or a calming influence on the world? That they give us hope, that theirs is a presence that we rely on.
How often do we tell people what we believe they are capable of?
And it made me decide to try to do just that. Yesterday I wrote letters to a couple of friends whose bravery I admire and I told them of the impact that has on my life and how much I appreciate them.
I tried to let them see what they look like through my eyes.
Who could you give that gift to? Let me know in the comments.
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